
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Unrealistic Beauty Standards

 The U nrealistic Beauty Standards      The issue at hand regarding unrealistic beauty standards is accompanied by numerous difficulties and constraints. This generation, social medias frequently show an unachievable concept of beauty, thereby establishing elevated beauty expectations. These unrealistic beauty standards significantly contribute to the development of negative body image and diminished self-confidence among individuals, ultimately resulting in psychological anguish and the adoption of harmful behaviors like disordered eating. Throughout history, the beauty industry has demonstrated a lack of diversity, failing to adequately represent various body types, ages, ethnicities, and abilities, which in turn reinforces exclusionary standards.      In the future, I hope the ultimate aspiration for our society is to create an environment where beauty standards have gracefully transformed, embracing the richness of diversity by wholeheartedly cherishing and esteeming various body t

Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality      Since Generations, gender equality has been a worldwide issue. The discrimination continues as males are being consistently privileged or prioritized over females. This caused women to endure many forms of unfair treatment, including age, race, or status in society, in addition to gender discrimination. Besides, women on average have lesser income than males for comparable work. Factors such as job segregation, prejudice, and limited access to high positions of leadership all contribute to this inequality. Violence based on gender, including domestic abuse, sexual assault, and harassment, continues to be an international concern.      In future, I hope gender equality has been achieved in all areas of society. Women are equally represented in government, corporate leadership, and the media, allowing for diverse perspectives and equal decision-making. There is no wage gap, ensuring equal pay for equal work. I hope education promotes gender sensitivity and chal

Work - Life Balance

Work - Life Balance      In this generation, long working hours and disconnection between an individual’s job and personal life are common, which often results in burn out and damaging their health. Due to work-related pressures, plenty of individuals struggle to prioritize their personal life such as their passions and taking care of themselves. They also struggle to handle their own responsibilities and maintain a healthy work-life balance due to limited flexibility in employment arrangements. This has led to many mental and physical health issues among individuals in the work environment.      To ensure that every individual is healthy and happy with their work and private life, I would imagine future where workplaces encourage flexible schedules, work from home choices, and reduced work weeks, allowing employees to spend their free time to do things they love according to their personal interests. Work and personal life are usually linked, allowing individuals to incorporate their