The Unrealistic Beauty Standards

 The Unrealistic Beauty Standards

    The issue at hand regarding unrealistic beauty standards is accompanied by numerous difficulties and constraints. This generation, social medias frequently show an unachievable concept of beauty, thereby establishing elevated beauty expectations. These unrealistic beauty standards significantly contribute to the development of negative body image and diminished self-confidence among individuals, ultimately resulting in psychological anguish and the adoption of harmful behaviors like disordered eating. Throughout history, the beauty industry has demonstrated a lack of diversity, failing to adequately represent various body types, ages, ethnicities, and abilities, which in turn reinforces exclusionary standards.

    In the future, I hope the ultimate aspiration for our society is to create an environment where beauty standards have gracefully transformed, embracing the richness of diversity by wholeheartedly cherishing and esteeming various body types, ages, ethnicities, and abilities. Our goal as a society is to build a culture that actively supports body positivity, promotes self-acceptance, and values individuality to foster a sense of cultural self-love and a sincere respect for the complex tapestry of beauty. Additionally, media outlets responsibly take their duty to promote realistic and inclusive beauty standards by prominently showcasing a varied range of models who bravely confront and shatter negative preconceptions.


Body Positive Education

    Firstly, to create an environment that encourages self-acceptance and a positive body image, it is important to introduce body positive education programs in schools and communities. This can be done through various methods like workshops, incorporating body positive lessons into the curriculum, and raising awareness through campaigns. These strategies help individuals develop a healthy relationship with their bodies, leading to a more inclusive society.

(Tejada, 2021)

    In order to lessen the negative impacts of unreachable beauty ideals on people's psychological well-being and general health, body positivity education campaigns are essential. It takes a coordinated effort to ensure its successful integration, including collaboration with educational organizations, the development of specialized educational programs, thorough teacher preparation, and the active involvement of mental health professionals.


Diversity in Media and Advertising

    Secondly, the fashion industry should promote and support the presence of a wide range of models and portrayals in media and advertising that accurately represent the true diversity of beauty especially in terms of body shape and size. This can only be achieved through the collaboration and cooperation of media outlets, brands, and other influential players in the industry, who must make it a priority to prioritize the inclusion of diverse casts and ensure accurate representation.

(Trending, 2014)

    The influence of social media on beauty standards is significant and cannot be underestimated. However, there is room for improvement within this powerful force. Campaigns that promote body positivity and self-acceptance are a strong way to challenge negative social media norms. By collaborating with social media platforms, content creators, and influential individuals, we can maximize the impact of these initiatives and bring about the necessary changes in beauty standards.


Empowering Social Media Campaigns

    Lastly, it is important to promote body acceptance and challenge the unrealistic beauty standards that are widespread. This can be achieved by creating impactful social media campaigns that empower people and include a diverse range of participants. These campaigns should feature well-known individuals, influencers, and everyday people, who can share their unique stories and celebrate the beauty that comes from embracing our differences.

(Vogel, 2022)

    The significance of representation in society is essential for people to feel recognized and included. To achieve this, it is crucial to have inclusive policies in media and advertising that promote diversity. The involvement of industry leaders and agreements with brands can help drive initiatives for better representation. Media organizations should also be responsible for portraying different communities accurately and truthfully on all platforms.

    The harmful impact of unattainable beauty standards on individual's psychological well-being and self-confidence are highlighted in this topic. It suggests that promoting diversity, inclusivity, and self-acceptance in the beauty industry and media is important. It has also changed my view of beauty by highlighting the need to challenge harmful norms and celebrate individuality. I also proposed solutions such as education, representation, and empowering campaigns to create a future where everyone feels valued and beautiful in their own way.


  • Tejada, A. (2021, February 5). Including body image in school curriculums benefits children. The Ticker.
  • Trending, B. B. (2014, November 7). Victoria’s Secret changes course on “Perfect Body” ads. BBC News.
  • Vogel, N. (2022, October 27). Unilever increases Dove sales with ‘Reverse Selfie’ social media campaign. Econsultancy.
